Aos poucos que volta e meia espreitem o que se passa Debaixo do mesmo sol..., aos que já leram e aos que estão fartos de saber isto, as minhas desculpas pela repetição mas não consigo deixar de partilhar:
"From the early days from intraoperative administration of anesthesia and airway support during surgery, the anesthetist may now be involved in perioperative care, intensive care medicine, physiological manipulation, monitoring, pharmacology, and acute and chronic pain management, as well as clinical and laboratory research. In parallel with this expansion in role, the discipline as also made major contributions to patient safety... at a level that has been linked to that of aviation."
Shauna Irgin
Julian Bion
Clinical Anesthesiology 4th edition; Morgan, Mikhail, Murray, Lange, 2006
"From the early days from intraoperative administration of anesthesia and airway support during surgery, the anesthetist may now be involved in perioperative care, intensive care medicine, physiological manipulation, monitoring, pharmacology, and acute and chronic pain management, as well as clinical and laboratory research. In parallel with this expansion in role, the discipline as also made major contributions to patient safety... at a level that has been linked to that of aviation."
Shauna Irgin
Julian Bion
Clinical Anesthesiology 4th edition; Morgan, Mikhail, Murray, Lange, 2006
Nota: Julian Bion estará presente nas próximas Jornadas de Medicina Intensiva da Primavera.
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